29/08/11 General Stuffage
I guess I shouldn't leave it until the new year to write something, just in case someone reads this drivel.
One thing I never spoke of last year was "Britain's Got Talent". So I got a call from a researcher asking if I'd consider going on the show. I explained that it wasn't really my sort of thing, and that queuing up for hours on end really wasn't something I could be bothered it. After a few mails back and forther, I was told that I would get the phone number of a producer so that when I arrived, they would get me straight in to the audition and not have to wait. So I agreed. I started working on what I was going to play, and the backing track for it. Then it hit me. I don't actually like playing on my own. I thrive on playing with other musicians in a live scenario. Plus, whilst I could play what the heck I liked at the audition, if I was to get through a few rounds I guessed that I would end up miming to some shitty four to the floor dance version of some classical piece of music. Mmmmm, not very 'madfiddler', so I pulled out.
Musically, it's been a bit of this and a bit of that this year. The main highlight is that K-Passa are doing a few more gigs this year, which is great. I've just set up a Facebook page for them too, if you're up for a bit of liking.
OK, there's probably more to say, but I'm a bit bored now, so I'll probably add some more to this, at some point in the either every near, or far, future.
01/01/11 Leaving Bleeding Hearts
I quote from last year - "Has it really been a year since the last update? Time has gone very quickly this last year, I apologise for the speed of time :("
After two years of playing, I've now left the Bleeders. I've really enjoyed the past two years playing with them but unfortunately real life, work and family prevent me from helping them achieve their goals of writing and recording an album during the 1st half of 2011. I'll be busy managing the completion of the sound to Codemasters' DiRT3 and F1 2011 video games. That's the politically correct comment anyway.
That's not to say I won't be playing. I'll still be playing with Moondance, plus there's a collaboration with Jem Godfrey of Frost* in the offing too. Who knows what else might pop up. Gut feeling is that Liz Evans, ex Blue Horses, will be playing sloppy seconds with the Hearts instead of me. Whilst we part mutually, there's no getting away from the fact that she has slightly nicer tits than me (but let it be know, only slightly ;) )
Can't be arsed to write anything else, so night night!
07/03/10 Permanent with Bleeding Hearts
Has it really been a year since the last update? Time has gone very quickly this last year, I apologise for the speed of time :(
After a year of depping, I've now become a permanent member of the Bleeders. I've really enjoyed the past year playing with them. Good hard fast heavy music, with a bit of folk, and damned fine people to boot. I've mainly been playing a set they've been playing for years, so (since I've only had 2 rehearsals with them (which I like, haha)) we're going into rehearsals for the next couple of months to learn some new tunes, write some new tunes, and prepare for a new album which will be recorded at the end of the year £'s pending. Looking forward to it.
There's a few other things on the go. I'm still playing with the e-ceilidh band, Moondance, and things should be picking up with Dorian Baxter this year. I've also been approached by a Jem Godfrey, the founder member of a rather cool Neo-Prog Rock band called Frost* with regards to recording some violin on one of their tracks. There's also been talks of an electronica duo between Jem and I, so the next year could prove to be pretty interesting.
The wrist btw, seems to have sorted itself out. I still have a few issues from time to time but, touch wood, all is pretty much ok.
I've also had a slight revamp on equipment. Bridge sent me their 5 string Tasman electro/acoustic violin, which I've told them I'm not sending back. Awesome sound (as usual), not so taken on the design which is too traditional for me - the Hydoles was slightly different... but you can't have everything, and have to move on. I'm also now, finally (I said I would do this around 4 years ago), moved over to computer generated effects rather than guitar pedalboard systems, so look out for my new "Bridge of a Starship" setup in front of my feet *grin*.
14/02/09 Playing with Bleeding Hearts
It looks like more gigs are afoot since the Bleeders' fiddle player suddenly left at the end of last year. I've been asked to step in until they find someone full time, which I'm more than happy to oblige. I've had a minor setback in that some idiot stuffed my car in December resulting in some back problems, and my wrist being put in a splint - so I've not had a change to practise, therefore I'll be reading from scores which I've been writing over the past few weeks. There's a lot of gigs provisionally booked, and I've added the confirmed ones to the GIGS page.
28/09/08 K-Passa - more than a one off gig?
Just got back from the K-Passa gig in Bristol - and totally loved it. Whilst I'm enjoying playing the ceilidh stuff with MoonDance, it's not exactly what 'madfiddler' has been about, and I'm on a complete high from being a "rock god" again - it's been 4 years since Blue Horses.
Anyway, having chatted with Simon Edwards it seems that there will be a few K-Passa gigs throughout the year, he's after quality not quantity, and I'm happy to oblige, so it looks like I'll be doing a few more gigs with them. I'm really pleased about this. It's been seven years, what happened happened - move on. There's certainly some chemistry on stage between Simon and I, and that sort of thing is rare - and shouldn't be lost.... More when it comes on that one.
04/09/08 General update including K-Passa one off gig!
I know it's been a long time, and I apologise for that. So, what's happened? New job, moved down to Warwickshire... oh... and had a baby madfiddler!! Yep, Arda Edward Hanka Knight is now (just about) 8 months old, and he's fab. Can't say I enjoyed the early days but he's really getting a personality now.
Music wise, things are going pretty well but to to new family commitments I have cut things down a bit. I'm mainly playing with MoonDance who are an electric ceilidh band. They mainly perform at private functions, like weddings. I'm also doing a bit of with a DJ + improvising musicians set called DiscQuartet - again private functions with that one. However, a couple of bits of news - both of them blasts from the past, and happened in the same week. I'm doing a one off gig with K-Passa whome I played with 7 years ago. I'm really looking forward to this one as it's a public gig (details in the gigs section) and I'll be rocking out like no-one's business. It'll be interesting to see how much I remember though! The second bit of news is I had a call from Nic Waulker, the drummer from Blue Horses who have now split up, asking me if I was interested in a recording project he's starting. Naturally, I said yes!
Bye for now :)
24/11/07 On the move again!
So, I'm on the move again. Unfortunately the life of a full time musician isn't a very profitable one, and with a baby on the way sometimes you have to postpone your 'dream' and return to reality. So, on Monday I'm back into full time video game development. I'm going to a rather famous games developer called Codemasters who have created a couple of my most favorite video games, namely Colin McRae Rally and Tocca Race Driver. Even better, is that I'm going to be working on the latest incarnations of those two games. Can't complain really. I'm still going to try and build up the wedding/party/corporate violin playing since the ones I've done so far have been really well received and I'll continue to do the Ceilidh work with Moondance (if mum and baby allow me), and take it from there.
So, gradually moving back down South. Will be in Warwickshire until I make them go bust, judging by my previous experiences!
The Jeremy Sharp 'situation' has been resolved. I posted my issue on my myspace bulletin and it appears a lot of people took up the cause. Eventually Jeremy posted an apology and explanation to his mailing list, asking me to reply. I did but as yet haven't got any answer. At least the matter is now done and dusted. All I can say, is make sure you have appropriate copyright on your music, and hope that someone, somewhere, will find and tell you of any breaches. I would never have found out about my particular situation if I'd not been tipped off.
13/10/07 Being ripped off on the internet
By the time you read this, the music track in question may have been taken down. However, I tell my story.
I got a message on myspace that the profile of a certain electric violinist called Jeremy Sharp from the USA included my Rock Improv. track, obviously claiming that it was his track.
Having checked the profile out, his track entitled "Effects on Strings" is a direct digital copy of my track.
So, what do I do. My first reaction was to contact the guy and swear at him continuously, but I realised that wouldn't prove him to be the fake that he is to the rest of the internet community. So, instead, I've decided to release this information to as many people as I can to give this fake the most embarrassment possible. Of course, by the time you read this the track may well have been deleted, so my job is done. I guess I won't be waiting for an apology but this again proves that what you see or hear on the internet isn't always real. One can only hope that my google rating will allow people to find out about the real Jeremy Sharp before they find his official website.
29/09/07 Reality steps in :(
Well, I've had an enjoyable 15 months with Silver Dogs, but unfortunately I need to be in a position to earn more cash playing the violin. Since I was made redundant I have had to rely on earning cash via means than video games. Namely, playing the violin, and it's got to a point where I simply need to be earning more cash in the evenings. I will be honouring the gigs already booked with the band, until they find a new fiddle player who is confident enough to take over, and you will still find me teaching at the Community Centre in Chorley on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
I guess I also haven't mentioned that a mini-madfiddler is on the way, due at the end of January and since I'm going to become a Dad for the first time, the need to earn money is more important than ever.
17/04/07 About time for an update
Hey ho peeps, I've been a tad lax updating things, and so much has happened since the last update, which was almost a year ago I'm sorry to say.
Well, was made redunant AGAIN! EA shut down the studio. Was offered relocation to Guildford but frankly I'm sick of moving now. Need to call somewhere home. Hasn't been good on the job front. I'm "too experienced" to get a full time job - haha, we all know what that means! Anyway, decided to go freelance again. But this time not only concentrating on music composition and sound design, but also on session work, gigs and teaching. I guess it's early days still, but I feel it's the right way to go even if the financial implications are harsh at the moment.
Things are going swimingly with the Silver Dogs - really enjoying playing with them, and hopefully we're starting to get a small, but good, reputation now. Also playing for a few other peeps around the area, so keep an eye out, you never know.
Perhaps most importantly, I've got my first ever solo gig. I'm supporting a violinist called Sarah Tuke on the 4th May near Birmingham. Check out the gig page for details. Would be good to get some support there from people I know, if you're not doing anything. I may try to get a small EP done by then to sell on the day, who knows.
That's it for now, m
16/07/06 Rock God again?
2 1/2 weeks ago I agreed to start playing with a band based in Chorley called Silver Dogs and last night (well tonight cos I haven't gone to bed yet) I did my first gig with them - a rather lovely festival in Biddulph called 'Folk in the Park'. We were the 2nd to last band one, and I really think we rocked. It took its toll though, having not done a proper 'madfiddler' gig for over 3 years the 1 hour set has left me totally knackered. All that jumping around etc. etc. Anyway, it was fab fun.
Nesli and I are off on holiday now visiting her family, but when we get back then it will be time to learn the rest of the set and start writing some new numbers... where I'm sure there will be a definate 'madfiddler' influence... Looking forward to it. As well as being excellent musicians, the nice thing about this band is that the musicians are also really nice people. I'm looking forward to building the same sort of relationship that I experienced with TUT. Speaking of TUT, I have a meet when I get back with a drummer, bassist and guitarist with regards to getting that back on the road. I don't expect either band to get in the way of each other, since both bands are (or will be) only interested in quality gigs, which may well not happen every week.
Tell you what's amazing. I changed the word Dundee to Manchester (ok, Warrington haha) on this website, and the phone started ringing.. I had three bands, a solo artists, and a dance music label get in touch within the 1st three months.. Can't be bad...
02/03/06 On the move, bye bye Dundee :)
Hurrah, yay, hurrah (again). We're moving out of Dundee. The company I was working for went pop last month, and I've got a job back at Electronic Arts, this time in Warrington/Manchester. So we'll be moving down pretty soon, and I'm confident that I will be gigging again with something or another :) I'll also be looking out to try and find the right people to get TUT back up and running. Haven't given up on that one... not yet!!!!
I will be demonstrating the range of electric violins from Bridge at the British Music Fair, National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, UK through out the day on the 11th and 12th July. This is a trade only event, but there may be public entry on the 12th, so if you can get in and fancy trying one of their instruments, this would be a good time to do so...
21/05/05 All quite on the Northern front.
Well, I guess I'm too eager. It's been 2 years without a 'proper' gig now. The thought of meeting other like minded musicians and reforming TUT was (and is) a hugely exciting prospect. However, perhaps other people arn't 'like minded' after all. Anyway, back to the drawing board on that one. Never give up. Spoke to Graeme Hobbs, the old TUT vocalist, a couple of days ago. He really believes it can work, as do I.. But I don't believe in compromising on things. If it's not working, ditch it and start again. Trouble is, being in a new town you don't have any contacts to get things going. Dundee appears to be very student orientated, and sadly I'm not a student anymore. The style of music up here is a tad strange too. For example, advertise for a vocalist and you get replies from people saying "I can't sing, but I can scream".. I mean, WFT!! ??? What's going on here? In the mean time, I continue to look around for a project which I feel I could fit into well. Haven't found it yet, but who knows. I kinda fancy doing something with a DJ or something electronica. Dunno. Stuck in a rut. In the meantime I'm doing some non violin composing. Some work for some DVD releases, and the possibility of a film.. Naturally, being something to do with music, it's likely to fall flat on it's back....
05/03/05 Tricks Upon Travellers back?.
So, moving to Scotland. Dundee is not the epicentre of the musical world. No proper band gigs for two years. What to do? Reform TUT? Well that's what I'm trying to do right now. For more details of this superb Folk Punk Rock band, get yourself over to Tricks Upon Travellers and sign up to the mailing list.
04/07/04 So, to sum up.
Charting the ride of the single..
June 13th - Straight into the UK charts at No.2
June 20th - Down 1 to No.3 as Brittany Spears goes in at No.1
June 27th - England loose their 1/4 final match against Portugal. Down to No.8
July 4th - Just hanging in at No.37. The last week for 4-4-2
Interestingly enough, Steve Fox who came up with the idea for 4-4-2 has formed 4-4-2 Promotions, with the blind belief that he can ride the wave as a music promotions company, and bring out a single for the World Cup in 2006. His ignorance that Come on England did as well as it did because of him, is beyond belief. The guy has a lot to learn. Anyway, back to the day job.... again....
24/06/04 England crash out of Euro 2004.
And so now will the single. Ha, it's only £1 at HMV now.
So that's the end of the ride... this time. Great fun, nice to be on the playlists of the major radio stations, and performing on TV on Top of the Pops and CD:UK. Something to tell the grandkids... even if the song was a cheezy pop cover.
18/06/04 Top of the Pops on Friday.
We've just filmed out Top of the Pops feature for the show on BBC1 19.30, Friday.
It was huge amounts of fun and hard work. There was a nice set built in the BBC gardens, complete with goal posts etc. Only one camera, which meant filming the piece seven times but the end result should be pretty cool. Add that to our performance on CD:UK last Saturday, and we're all smiling...
14/06/04 4-4-2 hit the charts head on.
Very very quick here. Too much to drink. Work tomorrow, but 4-4-2 and "Come On England" went into the UK singles charts at No.2. We've had massive amounts of publicity on many local radio and TV stations, and also TalkSport radio. Nice comment from Noel Gallagher from Oasis "don't get involved in that sort of rubbish", which as a musician I totally agree with, but as someone still trying to break through I say that it's getting the madfiddler featured all over the country in the media.
Now, hopefully as the stock problems have been corrected, there is a big possibility that the song will rise to No.1 in the charts over the next week. Please support this. OK, it's not an original tune, but it's played by real musicians trying to get recognised by "the industry".
29/05/04 Euro 2004 pt.3
Phew, well we've finally moved up to Scotland now. I've taken a job at the popular video games company Visual Science. I'm working on the next versions of the popular Carmageddon Franchise, and an as yet unannounced film licence.
I've received the first photos of my new 6 string fretted electric violin, made by Mark Wood in the US. It looks extremely sexy, and am looking forward to playing it as soon as it arrives. With the Bridge (and now) Wood violins I own, I plan to use each violin to its merit within the style that the instrument fits in. The includes the electo/acoustic instrument I've also ordered from Bridge, which I'll be using in any semi-acoustic gigs I play in. Click here to see some photos.
OK, so 4-4-2 and Come On England. There is now an official website, England 2004 where you can hear the single, and also see the promo video that was shot using some of the DJ's from Talksport Radio, who are backing the single and using it as their official theme.
The promotions/advertising arm of Gut Records is now in full swing. What with the deal with Talksport, the promo video and the website, they are now actively promoting the single via national newspapers such as The Sun. We have competition from the official song, and from a London based radio channel, but things are looking good for an automatic entry into the UK top ten.
The single is released on the 7th of June and will be available from all good record shops. You can, however, pre-order the single from HMV. It's only £2 so why not order two, and help us get the No.1 single, and get us to perform live, or mime, or UK TV :)
So far the 4-4-2 promotions machine has been working hard with local media. Various musicians have been featured in various local newpapers and radio shows including the Evening Argus who featured a full page on myself and 4-4-2 on the 25th.
For all the latest infomation on Come On England please point you browsers to BURBS.co.uk.
08/02/04 Lost Tricks Upon Travellers recordings found.
I was going throught a number of cassettes before throwing them out, and I found some uncompleted mixes of a couple of tracks from the "Where the Skeletons Dance" album, which were originally recorded in 1997 - two years before the album finally came out.
We stopped recording the album in 1997 due to lack of finances. By the time we had the cash, the band had gone through two member changes, Paul on drums changed to Rick, and Darren on bass changed to Paul.
Anyway, here are those recordings. They're relatively unmixed, and taken from a horrible cassette recording, so I did some bad noise reduction on them to clean them up a bit, so please don't expect the best quality from these.
Gives you a slightly different perspective on the tracks though...
Knocker Boys 1997
Million Miles 1997
Spartacus 1997
22/12/03 Euro 2004 pt.1
Just thought I'd let you know about 4-4-2. I may have mentioned this before, it's a band that's been set up in attempt to become the official band, with the official song, for the England football team, for the European Cup next year. We have a very basic website at the moment 4-4-2.
There's 8 musicians involved in the project, and on the 6th Dec, we completed a demo track of the "Come on England" song. It's basically a cover of the famous Dexies Midnight Runners track "Come on Eileen".
Anyway, with demos in hand, Steve, the lyric writer (although he prefers to call himself the songwriter - cough) have started meeting up with record labels in a bid to make this happen.
So far, the responce from one big label has been "This will be a No.1, we want it".
Well, that sounds promising, but I'm not holding my breath over it, you know what happens if you do that!
Also looks very possible that we'll be moving to Scotland next year, for work reasons. Would be a good opportunity to take some traditional Scottish fiddle lessons.
Don't forget, if you're a fiddle/string player too, then sign up to www.fiddleforum.com
Have a good one,
05/12/03 Different Life
...has started playing on Channel 5 early. Look out for it, around 10.25 on Sunday mornings. Not sure (can't get Channel 5 here) how we're credited, most probably as "Geist". We're already getting good press about the quality of the music. Hopefully this may lead to some more TV work. Fingers cross, eh?
04/09/03 Band and Gig news
I've started rehersing and playing with guitarist John McDevitt, who has a country pop band called Geist. I haven't rehersed with them yet, but in the meantime, John and I have been going out as a duo, playing 60's and 70's covers in various Pubs around Sussex. Check the GIGLIST for more details.
Again in gigs, I will be performing at the Brighton Centre, in Brighton, a week Saturday, with a Commodore 64 tribute band called Press Play on Tape. I'll be playing a very famous piece of game music called "Monty on the Run", and it's a damn hard tune to learn. There will be other tracks, and I'll also be playing in another band comprising of C64 composers and remixers. More details can be found HERE.
Also with John, we have recorded a song which is going to be used as the theme tune to a new Channel 5 documentary called "Different Lives". Look out for it next year.
31/07/03 New 'fiddler related CD releases
I know, I know, it's been quiet. Sorry for that. This is a small update to let you know of a couple of CD releases which I'm featured on. The first one, "From Another Plaice" by TUT 2.
Tricks Upon Travellers 2 are a new(ish) band, formed after the "demise" of myself and Graeme, and TUT(1). They've taken on a rather different style to the all out folk punk of the original band, stating that they are "a sort of folk, jazz, rock, celtic, left wing, socially aware dance groovy type of music using fretless bass, fiddle, accordion, electronic drums and guitar !" Dick, Paul, and Matt are still there, with the addition of Sam on vocals and accordian, and Tim on fiddle. I'm guesting on electric violin on one
track, Ivy. I predict that this CD SHOULD do very well, and furthermore increase Dick's standing as being one of the best unknown songwriters in the UK.
You can buy it here. You have to go to Tricks Upon Travellers 2.
The second CD I want to talk about is Beatitude, by Pepe Deluxe.
Pepe Deluxe are a group of DJ's based in Finland, who have had a fine career. It took off, after their remix of a Tony Hatch theme, was used worldwide in the Levis Twisty Jeans advert. Anyway, I was lucky enough to be contacted by them (their record label is based in my home town), and asked to contribute to their album. The results can be heard in the Mega drum, middle eastern track, Numa.
A further 33 musicians were used to help create this CD, many of which, like me, used home studios and the internet to communicite, and record their parts. This CD can be ordered from all good record shops. Oh, and the vocalist really is not saying "w$nker", honest.
Please support these CD's if you can, especially the TUT2 one, as like previous releases, it's been recorded and released on a personal shoestring budget. If you can, pay by cheque, to the PO Box address on the website, as the band will then receive 100% of the cash.
Just a very quick message to let you know I'm playing with the Blue Horses tomorrow night in Southampton. Just a guest spot at the moment, but it'll give us a chance to chat about live and the universe going forwards. Details here.
Sorry for the lack of updates. Things have been a little "swings and roundabouts" lately. Since around October, I had been in talks with the musical director for the Massive Attack world tour. Finally, in early January I was offered the job of playing with them on tour. I left my job at EA (and the BlueHorses) to do this. Unfortunately, it didn't work out, but my time was well spent, creating violin parts, and effect patches, for the tour.
I'm now working as a contract audio consultant, and am once again looking for a good band to play with. If you think you need my fiddlin' skills (if that's what they are), then please get in touch. In the mean time, I guess I now have time, to continue work on the illustrius 'Solo' album.
I write this, while suffering a cold, the night before the gig in Denbigh. I've now put the full version of 'the Bridge Theme, Aquilyra' on mp3.com. This is because, 1) I wanted you to hear it, and 2) I suffered a partition crash on my music hard drive, and lost a lot of the album. Look at the sounds page for the link.
I'm trying to piece together the album again, but it's taking it time, as a lot of my spare time is taken playing with my new band, the Blue Horses. I am NOT complaining. I'm having a great time, and I feel that it where I should be... on stage with not only a great bunch of musicians, but also a really nice bunch of people.
Anyway, some people (Ken) have already guessed, that I am soon to be playing with the Blue Horses, http://www.nativespirit.demon.co.uk
This arrangement has been going on for quite a while now. They originally asked me to join way back in 1999 just as I was joining K-
Passa, and then again in 2001 when I left I couldn't stay in K-Passa any longer - hmmm ;P. Both fell through, I wanted to give KP a
chance, and then, the last time due to the fact that I have a full time job, and may not be able to show the commitment needed for
a "gig anywhere at anytime" band.
Anyway, the plan is now, that I will have a 'dep' role in the BH's. They will continue to find a replacement player for Deb's, the second
fiddle player, but until they do I will be playing for them. I'll be doing my best to make every single gig, but if it's up the other end
of the country, on a Tuesday night, it will be quite difficult. In the mean time, I'm also trying to convince Pepe Delux to gig their
new album live, and that it'll be rubbish unless they pay me to come along and play... don't think it'll work though.
Anyway, we'll see how things go. I'm very happy to be playing again, and I've known the BH's for 7-8 years now, and the are a lovely bunch
of people, who do a good job. They have a good following, and their latest album is fantastic. I've been spending the last few weeks
learning the set, and I'm almost there. They do some odd irish bowings that I'm really not used to, but I will learn. Now all I need
to do, is get my effects "rack of doom" up and running properly, lol.
I'll keep you posted of gigs, and will get the gig page of the website up to date (AT LAST). First stop, Norway on the 21st June.
Maybe not see you guys there then, but if you make it to one of the UK gigs, please come and say hi!!!!
So there we go for now, Nic @ BH tells me he'll update their site within the next week, just in case you think I'm lying.
Stay cool,
I've just finished doing some session work for a guy who works within a group called Pepe Delux. You may not have heard of them, although
they had a big hit single recently, thanks to the fact the track was used on the Levis Twisty Jeans advert. Anyway, I've been doing some
recording for him, giving him ideas for a track on their new album, and sending it back to Finland via the net. God bless technology.
Apart from that, I've done a first pass on the violin for another track for the album, I think I'm going to do it again, as one of my
strings sounded a tad strange, then it'll be mixed and I'll put part of it on here for you all to listen to.
I've also just about finished revamping the website, and hope to upload it within the next week or so... if I can get my internet PC
working properly (I'm at work at the moment),
So there you go. Still no decent band to play with, almost joined a heavy metal band in London, but they were a little too 'gothic' for
me. The news I was going to announce at Christmas kind of fell through unfortunately. I was in discussions with a band, about
joining, but the fact I have a full time job, and therefore my commitment level may not be high enough, kind of got in the way.
Shame.. but I've gotta pay the mortgage somehow. It's still possible that I may dep for them, some time soon :-)
After a successful meeting at 'Catskills Records', I'm now doing some session work for the new album release from 'Pepe Delux', the great team behind the Levis Twisty Jeans advert music.
I'm playing at a TUT2 gig, at the Belle Vue pub in Brighton, which is from the station, up to 7 dials, on the left hand side.
It's free to get in, TUT2 are playing for 30-45 minutes, and I'm standing in for Tim in his absence.
Well, it's taken a while to sort out... A year in fact, as I just haven't had the time to mix it.... but... the last ever recording of
TUT (one, not two) is now available to buy.
It was recorded last Christmas (2000) in Dick's Lounge as a kinda farewell to Graeme. There were a select few in the audience, and it
was just an opportunitiy to have one last jam together.
Luckily, we decided to record it onto an 8 track digital tape recorder, using a few microphones. The quality in fact isn't bad
considering, alcohol, alcohol and a lounge as a "live room".
Anyway, you can buy the CD from Vitaminic.co.uk (along with a double album of Cilla Taped, and the Last Fish Supper).
The price is a totally reasonable £7.20 (plus postage) for 10 tracks, including Lucky and Ivy, which have not been recorded before.
SO.... buy buy buy buy... here :-
If the link doesn't work, then go to http://www.vitaminic.co.uk and search for "tricks" and it will come up.
Now, I'm definately going to use the sales of this CD to decided
whether it is worth spending the time mixing the live concert we did
on 2nd Dec 2000. At the moment, it's still in its 16 track glory, on
the hard drive, and if we feel it is worth it, then I will spend some
time mixing it.
I should have a couple of new tracks to put up soon, from the album,
Doh, the last message said it was too early to wish you a Merry Christmas, and now I'm too late. Anyway, I'm taking the opportunity to use the Xmas break, to get a couple of tracks finished for the album. I expect to get the backings done, but maybe not the violin. I hope I can do more, as I really want to get some promo tracks uploaded onto the net, to get some interest, and hits on the website. Cos, at the end of the day, I'd love to actually be able to sell some CD's once it's done... And it's also good ammunition to go to my wife, and tell her I want to do another one... and I'll need to upgrade the P.C. to do it :)
I had a meeting with a well known and respected folk rock band over Christmas, with regards to joining. Not sure on the outcome yet, as, typically, I live quite a long way away from them, and there is some worry as to how 'available' I am. I hope I can get this sorted out, and we can give it a go. If it works out, then great, if not, at least we can say that we tried. More to come later.
So, I hope I'm not too early in saying... Happy New Year!!! :)))
Well I guess it's about time I give you an insite into my leaving K-Passa. There are a number of reasons for this, which I don't want to really go into but suffice to say I that have offered to continue playing with them, as a session player. Time will tell as to whether this happens because 1)They will have to actually pay me some of that money stuff to play, and 2) I hope to make a further announcement about the gigging madfiddler before Xmas anyway, which will mean I wouldn't be able to play with them anymore anyway... It's a shame, I did enjoy playing the music, and they were a fantastic bunch of musicians, but, as with everything in life, it's never enough.
Apart from those fun and games, I have a couple of tracks on the go for the album, which are sounding really promising. The reason the album is going so slowely, is that I am dismissing many of the ideas I have for tunes, as not being good enough. There is no time limit on the album, it just has to be good (whatever that means!). I've also got together with Dick, the TUT guitarist, as he's helping me realise some of the more "band" type ideas for songs that I have. Ho hum.
I'm not going to wish you all a Happy Christmas yet... cos I feel that it's way too early,
Spent this evening doing a very quick version of "The Lincolnshire Poacher" for Bridge Instruments. It was needed for some county council video or something. It's based on another track I'm working on for the solo album, so it'll give you a bit more of an insite into how the album is moving. Check it out on my MP3.COM page.
Well, since getting married in September, I've now left K-Passa too. The solo album was never looking like getting done, so for the time being, I'm turning myself into a session musician. So far it looks like I shall do some gigs with K-Passa, TUT2, and Peripherie (a Zappa Jazz fusion thing) plus anything else that comes along. And hopefully the album will become more than vapourware. I'm also writing some track which I think are more "band material" than solo, and Dick (from TUT) is helping me realise the arrangements etc. Then, maybe
I'll have to do something about getting them performed... But for now, I guess I'm bandless *sob*. I'm also going to be doing some more recording for c64audio.com and for Bjorn Lynne's new album :)
TUT2 will be giving their first public performance, on Thursday 1st, at Crawley folk club - Apple Tree, Ewhurst Road, Crawley 01293 407324. Not sure of the ticket price, but see you there. Gonna be a strange one for me... being part of the audience.....
Added a SOFTOGRAPHY page so you can keep track of all the games titles I have worked on. It's basic for now, but I'll add links for them, when/if I get the time. Right... I'm off to Turkey to marry Neslihan. Yippee.. See you in 6 weeks :)))
Uploaded another couple of madfiddler solos from various tracks I've recorded. Goto the SOUNDS page. Also, the PHOTOS page is now working.
I've put an mp3 of the first completed track for the solo album. It's a 45 second snippet, from a full hard disk recorder busting 12 minutes!!! Goto the SOUNDS page.
Finished the recording of a couple of bits for the track "Zoids", which is an old Commodore 64 track. It will be released on the Back In Time 3 CD. It contains remixes of lots of different Commodore 64 tracks. Great... for people like me :). Also, I'm featured on 3 tracks, by Team 17's in house musician. It's on his soon to be released album. Goto Bjorn Lynne's web site, for more details.
Just come back from a brilliant St. Patrick's Day gig, with K-Passa, in Bridgewater. Just thought I'd let you know ;P
Another quickie really. The TUT mixes have been going quite well, but taking up a lot of my free time, which I should spend writing material for the live album, and for K-Passa. Giving it a rest for a few weeks as I was getting peeved with coming home every night and listening to vocal files.
The K-Passa gigs have picked up in a big way now. It's nice to be playing every weekend, mainly two gigs as week, which is nice. Some of the gigs have been a bit naff, but on the other hand some of the gigs have been REALLY good. I'm looking forward to getting together with them for a song writing session for the new studio album, in the near future. You know, I haven't done one rehersal yet. Taking about albums, our semi-live album, Born Again, comes out in all good record shops on the 26th of March. It's on Proper Distribution. So please buy it, then we may start getting paid for the gigs we do, haha.
Just a small update to tell you what I am doing. I have several gigabytes of recordings from the last TUT gig, and a fun litte TUT acoustic session that we did round Dick's house, over Christmas. The plan is, to clean up, mix and master this music and release it in the form of a totally unedited, live album. So, my solo music has gone on the back burner for a while while I try and get this work done. Estimated time, is around April I hope to complete it all. More to follow.
Well I did my last gig with Tricks Upon Travellers last night, and I can safetly say that it was my best gig ever! Well done to everyone involved. The gigs with K-Passa have been pretty thin, and since a rather nasty run in with the manager, on a personal level, I have my doubts as to whether the band can give me what I want in the long time. I guess what I would really dream for, is a TUT with management, with the members able to play gigs wherever, and whenever needed. "TUT Too" anyone??? ;P
The first track is almost written for my solo album, but I'm still finding the time to put in as much work as I want to. And... when I get the time, I'm getting writers block! Anyway, there is NO rush for the album, I'll just do it when I want to, and when I can.
A little update on the "music room". I've now purchased a pair of active Roland digital monitors to help in getting THAT quality mix, and a pair of Roland 24bit reverb units, again in the quest for the ultimate mix. I also bought a couple of software synthesizers which run on the computer, within the sequencer... and now find that I have to upgrade the computer as it really is not powerful for the job.. *sigh* - when does it stop... Anyway, that's it for now..
Well here is the first madfiddler news release in the world :-) So what has happened this year? Well it started off good with me and TUT. The new bass player we got, is an excellent addition to the band. It's the tightest it's ever been. In february, I was approached my the band K-Passa. A folk rock band, that I've enjoyed and admired for many years. So, now I play with them. Why? Well I have played with TUT for almost 6 years now. I love the guys, the music, the band... but I feel that it will never be more than a pub band. It is such a shame, but, well, they (we) are just one of those bands that always get it wrong. K-Passa have distribution of their albums with Pinnacle, management with the Escape Commitee, and are all in a position to go off playing wherever, and whenever they like. We have also recorded a live album, due out soon. It's like the next step up the ladder to global domination for me. Since joining, I've played in Belgium, Slovenia (the best gig I have ever done) and others with 3000+ people. That's more like it! Also, TUT managed to get a gig at Glastonbury, which, although a short 45 minute set, has to be a TUT highlight so far.
Anyway, what happens to me now? I don't know. There is talk of a K-Passa UK tour, and it's going to be hard to keep a full time job going. Maybe I can work part time? We'll have to wait and see, but it's something I want to, need to, have got to do! I also want to write a solo electric violin album. It's not even started yet, but that the main purpose of this site, to promote and sell it once I have completed it. All I need is time, and a bit of money. Until then.. I keep going, and wishing! See ya, madfiddler.
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